Ultra Moisturizing Essential Oil Spritz.

Individuals with a very coily or tight curl pattern like me can sometimes have issues with dryness. With our type of hair, Its difficult for the natural oils to make their way from the scalp down the entire hair shaft; resulting in brittleness, dryness, and dullness.

I get lots of questions about my hair and the types of products I use. So, I am sharing a simple recipe that I like to make which soothes my scalp and helps keep my hair super soft and moisturized.


The ingredients I use all very good for the hair and work very well together. Vegetable glycerin is a powerful humectant that attracts and retains moisture which helps improve the moisture content and elasticity of the hair. Aloe vera is incredibly soothing for the scalp, extremely moisturizing, and promotes hair growth. Virgin coconut oil is great for all hair types. It is a natural conditioner that adds lots of moisture and luster while stimulating hair growth. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties so it improves scalp health. Sandalwood essential oil is an excellent moisturizer and helps restore moisture to dry hair. Sandalwood and Lavender essential oil are a poweful, moisturizing and soothing duo that can fight dry, itchy, flaky scalp.



8 oz filtered water
1 tsp Aloe Vera Concentrate
1 tsp Virgin Coconut Oil
5 drops Vegetable Glycerin
8 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Combine all the ingredients and mix well with a whisk. Pour the mixture in a GLASS spray bottle. Shake well before use. Spray liberally on hair and scalp as needed. I typically use this in the morning after I get out of bed to refresh my curls and moisturize my scalp.

Interested in essential oils? Don’t know where to start? Please leave me a contact email address in the comment box below, and I will be more than happy to help you and even give you a FREE virtual class via Skype, or Google plus so that I can answer all of your questions. I can also provide you with free samples of any oils that you are interested in using.

Making Herbal Salt Scrubs….

SCRUBSI spent the last few hours making some luxurious Herbal Salt Scrubs to give away as Christmas gifts. Scrubs are incredibly easy and inexpensive to make. I created several types of scrubs using different combinations of oils and ingredients. However, tonight I will only share one very easy recipe:

Elle’s Lavender Love Moisturizing Salt Scrub.

1/2 cup Epsom Salts
2 Tablespoons Organic Avocado Oil
2 1/2 tablespoons Dried Herbs
5 drops Therapeutic Grade Lavender Essential Oil
Lots and lots of LOVE

This dried herbs mix contains: Lavender, Rosemary, Calendula, Sage, Peppermint, Roses, Nettles and Blue Malva. You can use a single herb or combine several types of herbs to suit your tastes and needs. You can find inexpensive mason jars the dollar store or walmart.

Combine the epsom salt, avocado oil and and lavender essential oil in a glass bowl and mix well. Add the dry herbs and combine. Place the scrub mixture in a clean glass jar and secure the lid on tightly. Use as needed on hands and/or feet.